Conditions on Chinese fur farms are appalling, and the animals are subject to unimaginable acts of systematic brutality and cruelty. The foxes, minks, rabbits, dogs and cats live crammed together in tiny wire cages with no shelter from rain, cold weather or the scorching sun, and the animals are deprived of even the most basic care. The animals show signs of extreme anxiety and pathological behaviours, such as self-mutilation and infanticide.
There are no animal welfare laws in China, so the fur farmers can raise and slaughter animals however they please. The international trade in fur makes huge profits by keeping production costs down to the bare minimum without any consideration for the animals suffering. China is the biggest fur exporter in the world because of inexpensive labour costs and minimal regulations.
As the sale of dog and cat fur is condemned and banned in countries like the United States, Australia and in the EU, the Asian fur industry attempts to conceal the truth by deliberately mislabeling furs. Examples of misleading labels for dog fur is Asian jackal, Asiatic racoonwolf, Asian wolf, Corsak, Corsak fox, Dogaskin, Dogue of China, Finnracoon, Fox of Asia, Gae wolf, Gubi, Kou pi, Lamb skin, Murmanski, Nakhon, Pemmern wolf, Sakhon, Sobaki and Special skin. Even if a fur garment's label says it was made in a European country, the animals were likely raised and slaughtered elsewhere - possibly on aChinese fur farm.
This extremely cruel industry will only end when the public refuses to buy fur. The best way is to avoid buying fur completely. After all – the fur looks much better on the animal!